!Tsuite (latest version is has a myriad range of features, including but not limited to:

  • The ability to read and write data from:

o    Flat file data sources including:

CSV files;
XML files;
Microsoft Access database files, via the MS ACE provider; and
Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, via the MS ACE provider.

o    Web Services, via the extended features of !Tgateway.

o    And any of the following databases via native, OLE DB, or ODBC providers:

Microsoft SQL Server (all versions);
MySQL (all versions);
Postgres; and
Any other data source that has a provided OLE DB or ODBC driver available.

  • SQL language support, including:

o    A SQL Compliant Interface that can leverage the extended SQL features of your source and destination databases;

o    Support of Stored Procedure calls (limited for non-compliant data drivers); and

o    Support for inline SQL functions native to any supported database.

  • The ability to transform data in memory, including:

o    Field splitting;

o    Source-side inline transformations; and

o    Flat-file transformations prior to creating modeled data from the source.

  • The ability to:

o    Schedule jobs;

o    Monitor job execution;

o    Edit and resubmit only failed entries;

o    Support for an unlimited number of jobs;

o    Support for unlimited Watcher clients across the enterprise;

o    Support for an unlimited number of Directory Monitors across the enterprise; and

o    Support for an unlimited number of drag and drop (Launcher) for flat file data sources.

Click here for a summary of features