T-Output Screenshots





Because T-Output is so powerful, it is also more complex than the rest of !Tsuite. The following example demonstrates the potential of the T-Output component.  You can output to any flat file definition, but the most common are CSV and the more complex XML.



Main Screen

This is where the user selects the T-Output definition to be worked on.

From here a user can:

  • Add
  • Edit
  • Delete
  • Make inactive/active
  • Run the output job

Step 1

This step allows you to name the output definition and to provide a detailed description. Each job can also be assigned a group name and/or a sub-group name for future filtering.


Step 2

This is the step where you select the input files to be used as the source for the output.


Step 3

This is where you can adjust the field and data control settings.


Step 4

This screen allows the naming and defining of the parent (root) table structure.


Step 5

This is where you define the key (index) fields between the source tables.

Step 6

This where the output template work is done. XML templates can get to be quite involved, but the power of T-Output can be leveraged even for very large and complex XML output.

Step 7

This is where you set the destination file definition, controlling the location and format of the flat-file output.
